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Map Resources

Soil Maps

Soil Map of the World, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Find global soil maps for all types of soil. Click on a certain soil type to see its global distribution.

World Soil Resources Map, 2022 Earth Science Week Poster, AGI, AASG, GSA, NASA, NPS, NRCS, SSSA, USGS
A map of soil classifications around the world.

Topographic Maps

The National Map - Data DeliveryUSGS
Select “Topo Maps” to access topographic maps for the United States.

Satellite Images and Aerial PhotosTerraServer
Created by USGS and Microsoft Research, you can view and download topographic maps and aerial photos as high resolution images.

Online U.S. Topographic MapsUCLA Library
Provides helpful links for finding topograph maps.

TopoZone Find topographic maps by place name, latitude and longitude, or UTM coordinates under the Get A Map section. Allows you to download topographic maps (including USGS maps) for free, at various scales (from 1:100,000 to 1:24,000).

MapServer Platform for accessing free online viewing of topographical, nautical and aeronautical charts plus high altitude digital ortho quads.

Search by Place or AddressMyTopo
Just type in the address, or city and state to retreive a map.

Reading Map Symbols

Topographic Map SymbolsUSGS
This site has information on reading topographic maps.

USGS Geography Education MaterialsUSGS
A USGS site for kids and teachers. Scroll down to the Geography section to find resources that describe map types and features, including how to interpret them.

Reading Geologic Maps

What is a geologic map and what are they used for?New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
Use this sample lesson plan to understand geologic maps.

How to Read a Geologic MapThoughtCo.
Follow this tutorial on how to read and use geologic maps.

What is a Geologic MapUSGS & NPS
Learn what a geologic map is and what information they provide.

State Geologic Maps

National Geologic Map DatabaseUSGS
Go to Map Catalogue to find descriptions and the availability of state geologic maps.

Association of American State GeologistsAASG
Obtain materials from your state geological survey.

Geologic Maps of the 50 United StatesThoughCo.
Examine and learn about state geologic maps from ThoughtCo.

State Geologic MapsNPS
Download state geologic maps from the National Park Service.

National Geologic Maps

National Geologic Map DatabaseUSGS
Contains information on how and where to obtain geologic maps.

Regional and Local Geologic Maps

Bookstore of the American Association of Petroleum GeologistsAAPG
Go to Product Categories and click on Maps and Charts to select regional tectonic maps.

This site allows you to order maps from a wide range of scales.

General Map Resources

Geography Education ResourcesCentral Michigan University
An excellent list of map resources available online at this web site. Included are links to sites to make maps, as well as links to free downloadable outline maps, satellite imagery, GPS, and GIS databases.

Grade 9-12 MappingUSGS
Includes general map information, from how to read maps to how to obtain them. Also includes links to further information regarding topographic, thematic, planetary maps, and more.

Offers a range of maps and map information including topographic and geologic maps.

The National MapUSGS
Providse access to a series of maps, datasets, and map background information.

Earth ExplorerUSGS
Select datasets that can be superimposed onto a Goole Earth map.

MapMaker InteractiveNational Geographic
Create a variety of thematic maps by selecting from any number of “layers”, ranging from elevation to ocean floor.

Make maps using geospatial data and information.

Dynamic Planet Maps

This Dynamic Planet MapSmithsonian Institution
An interactive version of the USGS map accessed through the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History Global Volcanism Program.

This Dynamic PlanetUSGS
Simkin, Tom, et al., 1994, This Dynamic Planet: World Map of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Impact Craters, and Plate Tectonic, published by the US Geological Survey, Reston, VA.

Latest Earthquakes MapUSGS
An interactive map that shows the most current earthquakes and their magnitudes.

Ocean Maps

Age of the Ocean Floor, NOAA
Map that shows the crustal age of the ocean floor.

Weather Maps

National Weather Service Home PageNOAA
Map that shows current weather patterns across the U.S.

The Datastreme ProjectAmerican Meteorological Society
Contains a variety of up-to-date weather maps. Under the “surface” subheading, you can find maps showing temperatures, pressures, isotherms, and fronts, along with other current weather data.

Weather.comThe Weather Channel Interactive, Inc.
A current weather map of the United States is found on the homepage. You can view an enlarged version by clicking on the map. To find weather maps of your local area, type in your zip code or city and state at the top of the page.

Unisys.comUnisys Corp.
View a current United States weather map on the Unisys homepage.

Satellite Map

Google Maps
Type the address into the search engine toolbar. Wait for the map to come up. Click on “Satellite” in the corner of the page. You will then receive a satellite image of your area.